Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Final Project in Progress Blog Post

    So far, this project is going very well. I have all of my sketches drawn out, and I have done a lot of research on birdhouses and the different types of birds that use them. Using this information that I collected, I was able to pick dimensions for the birdhouse, as well as a material (cedar wood), and I knew exactly what I would need to build it. Using this information, I was able to draw a few sketches showing what the birdhouse will look and the dimensions of it, which is useful because I can visualize it a lot easier using these sketches. The next step is to mill down the wood and turn it into usable planks, and glue these planks together to turn them into usable chunks. I will then start constructing the birdhouse with these pieces of wood, and the finished product should look something like the sketches below.

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